What to Expect

For your first appointment, Kilgore’s staff and our therapist need to collect as much information as possible to develop your healing process. Our initial counseling fee is $150 for a 55-minute session. Each additional session is $125.
We accept most insurance coverage, including Medicare and Medicaid, but you are ultimately responsible for the fee. Prior to seeing your therapist, we must have all the necessary insurance information to determine your coverage and copay. You will need to sign a credit card authorization agreement as a backup in case you fail to meet your financial obligation.
Cancelling an appointment with less than 24 hours notice or skipping a co-pay will result in a $50 charge.
For other services such as court appearances, group therapy, workshops, seminars, and education outreach programs, please call us at 502.327.4622.
If the cost of counseling would be a financial hardship and you can demonstrate need, you can apply to our Samaritan Fund to help pay for services.
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I wouldn’t be where I am today without Kilgore.